
When words are all I have!

December 3, 2012

Don’t you wish you could write the words to make them love you!

Not just the love of witchcraft or the charm of ignorance no, true love.

The kind of love that would need no words to say how much they understand that

the simple placement of their hand on your body would set aside all anxiety.

Don’t you wish you could write the words to end all wars, not just military but the war of the hearts that so often leads to the war of weaponry; The war of mothers and fathers, sisters and your brothers of lovers now long forgotten why it was once they so bitter fought.

Don’t you wish you could write the words!

Don’t you wish you could write the words to mend the fences long laid embedded in the soil of malice, now flowing between you like a toxic river of raw nerves and emotional baggage! Don’t you wish you could write the words to build the bridge leading to friendship and peaceful existence!

Don’t you wish you could write the words that would reach those souls long departed having selfishly shortened your time to have said how much you were sorry! Don’t you wish you could write the words for once, honestly saying how much you dislike what was done without the heartache of having to write new words to say I am sorry!

Don’t you wish you could write the words to lay you down without guilt, rest for a lifetime arising only when your soul has returned to its youthful innocence to start anew but with the knowledge of today! Don’t you wish you could write the words to say to all doctors, I am no longer sick for today I have a feeling I am going to be ok!

Don’t you wish we could write the words to say, when words are all we have, I pray you too will find the words to say, I love you just as much today as we rest our pens needing nothing more to say`




Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing)

Choose Living Over Existing(CLOE)Gender Free Writer(GFW), MartialArts-Auth"The Spirit That Guides Us" "Noir AM""The Lottery" https://twitter.com/dropoutgorgeous