Proctor, Proctor, Johnson and Gamble
By Anthony H. ( B)and L;
it Independent News
Published by Satirical Life
Updated 10:17 AM ET, Sat May 25, 2019
(It Independent)
Revisiting Proctor, Proctor, Johnson and Gamble
The recent social media headlines showing a young girl seemingly mimicking the breast feeding of a babes in arms has not gone unnoticed by the company executives now exercising their reproductive rights of the (still unidentified) young girl.
In the very early hours of the morning immediately following the posing of that now infamous image, the parents were arrested. In a news release just hours ago a company spokesperson, when asked about their relationship to this case, stated;
“we take our programs very seriously and although we understand that the child has been properly vaccinated with the regulated anti-lactating and hormone injections, we still strongly belief that the child’s behaviour reflects the parents failure to honour our contractual understanding of behaviours”
The legal representatives of the parents have issued their own very strongly worded objection to the “heavy handedness of Proctor, Proctor, Johnson and Gamble’s (PPJ&G). Their military style invasion of our home in the very early hours of the morning was absolutely over reaching and illegal. We have other children in our home that were traumatized by the company’s over the top strong arming tactics. She is a child and and children sees and imitate many behaviours that they observe, it does not have to be a product of their own home and in this case it was not our home.”
PPJ&G is but one of the many companies having received and continues to aggressively seek the expansion of their relationship with the new government program called “Intercept.” This program allows companies to pay for the education of children up to the ages of secondary graduation. In return each family and more specifically the child having been the receiver of the educational grant, do so for the contractual understanding that the supporting company owns, (in the case of PPJ&G) the reproductive rights of that child.
In the case of the image above, it would seems that PPJ&G, a baby formula manufacturer owns the reproductive rights of a number of young girls in their state. At the time of this report we were of the understanding that PPJ&G’s program, now in its forth year, has managed to contracted over 15,000 girls presently at an average age of 9 years of age. PPJ&G controls reproductive rights that allows them to vaccinate their contracted group. As a part of their
contractual agreements PPJ&G are responsible for any and or all related cost for all statutory vaccination required up and including the ages of 18 years of age.
Included as a part of the vaccination contractual obligations that PPJ&G has with each child, they in turn are allowed to include in that serum their anti-lactating hormones. With the exception of the first samples of PPJ&G’s baby formula that is mandatory for each new mother under this program,
equally so all mothers under the program are mandated by law to purchase and use only PPJ&G’s baby formula and food products when that choice is available, for newborn up to the ages of 18 years of age.
PPJ&G is one of over 75 conglomerates that are now actively pursuing “Product & Service Base” relationships by way of the government’s “Intercept” programs. Among these companies are those seeking, Gene Manipulation Rights in exchange for all medical cost of the child up until and including ages 18 years of age.
There are those attempting to secure “Intercept” programs for “Naming”, “Life Occupation”, among a variety of other programs still in discussion stage at the various levels of government.
Stay tuned for our follow up report next week, “The Intercept Tracking Program”